Our next European Chapter meeting will be in the home of golf: St.Andrews !
After a long time with covid, travel restrictions and two postponements, we can finally hold a European Chapter meeting from october 7th-9th 2022 at the Fairmont hotel, St.Andrews.
With Trackman and True-Sports the first presenters have confirmed. More will be added.

Schedule: Friday, free arrival at 13:30 optional round of golf on the golf course The Torrance 20:00 official dinner and opening of the meeting Saturday 09:00-18:00 presentations including coffee break and lunch buffet 19:00 Dinner and honors Sunday 09.00-12.00 presentations and/or range session 13:00 optional round of golf on the golf course The Torrance
The hotel has reserved some rooms for the ICG (number is limited !) The cost for members is USD 180 and includes conference rooms, lunch, dinner and coffee breaks. Optional golf is USD 95 per round (without cart or equipment) and will be paid at registration. Overnight stay has to be organized/paid by yourself.
Register here for the Meeting