1. PGA Show Highlights.
2. ICG PGA Show Special
3. News Highlights (Including March 2019 Presidential Message).
The ICG continues to promote our mission of promoting and raising the art and craft of clubfitting/making internationally with our significant presence at the PGA Show.
Our PGA Show Demo Day area was very busy. Watch Ed Weber’s highlights here.
Three giants of the golf industry were inducted into the ICG Hall of Fame on January 24, 2019.
Watch the HOF Induction here.
Congratulations to our 2019 Clubmakers of the Year (Must be logged in as member to watch COY Submission videos):
Gerald Friz - 2019 ICG Wide World Clubmaker of the Year;
Peter Doyle - 2019 ICG European Clubmaker of the Year;
Don Irving - 2019 ICG North American Clubmaker of the Year;
Mark Vallier - 2019 USA Clubmaker of the Year;
Dick Cicero - 2019 Southeast USA Clubmaker of the Year;
Adriann Dorshorst - 2019 ICG Australian Clubmaker of the Year.
Watch the ICG COY Award Ceremony here. ICG members can view 2019 COY submission videos under the members only section.
Kudos to those ICG members who volunteered their time to help make the ICG presence at the Show a success. Special thanks to Don Irving, Frank Viola, Ed Weber, Jim McLeery, Dick Cicero and other volunteers.
Thanks to ICG Sponsors New Level Golf and Eagle Rebirth Golf for helping to make our Show presence a success. Thanks to World Wide Clubmaker of the year Gerald Friz for his Marketing Study Results workshop and Europe Clubmaker of the Year Peter Doyle on how his uses his Flightscope. Thanks to 2017 Midwest Clubmaker of the Year Jim McLeery for sharing his Golf Mechanix interview. Thanks to Russ Ryden for sharing his interviews with Quintic Roll, Eagle Rebirth and video of KBS Shafts presentation. Log in to member resource library to watch this wealth of new information.
2. PGA Show Special.
Renew this month, and receive a second year of membership for free.
The ICG PGA Show Special expires on March 31, 2019. Members can sign up at their landing pages (follow the green link) and non-members can sign up here.
3. News.
The 2019 PGA Show in Orlando is now behind us. This year only two of our sponsors were present in the ICG room, W209B, as well as on the Orange Country Driving Range during Demo Day. I believe both sponsors, Indio Golf and Eagle Rebirth Golf, were very pleased with how the show went for them. From an ICG point of view, I can tell you that traffic was down and as well there were only a handful volunteers present to main the ICG Room. There were many times when it was only me and the two sponsors in the room. I believe overall attendance at the PGA show was lower than previous years. There were several vacant spots on the showroom floor. Taylormade, which usually has a very large display, opted out of attending this year. Perhaps the need to be there was not strong enough for Taylormade and perhaps the lower overall attendance indicates the same thing.
I would love to get some feedback from our members on why they chose not to attend and what we as an organization can do to make members more likely to attend and help out in the ICG Room. Let us know what we can do to make the show more appealing to our members. BOD member Gerald Friz has created a form where you can volunteer your talents. Click here.
For those members who did attend, I would appreciate hearing what you liked about the show and what we can do better. What would you like to see at the show? What would help make you want to attend the 2020 PGA Show? We need feedback from you about the Show. The Board of Directors is certainly looking at the Show and consulting on how to proceed with future Shows. In the meantime, we would be grateful for your feedback.
Looking forward, I believe that it is going to be a great year for the industry and in particular for qualified clubfitters. The public has reached a point where they are actively seeking qualified clubfitters and clubmakers. They want to find someone who knows what they are doing and has the certification to back it up. So, get certified as soon as possible.
In conclusion, I wish you all the best in the upcoming year in your business and in your personal life. Have a great 2019!
Don Irving

BOD elections are underway, with nominations running thru February 24th, election webinar to be held on February 25th, and voting to be held from Friday, February 26, 2018 at 00:01am EST to Friday, March 4, at 11:59pm EST. The election will be held on the ICG website. If you have any questions please ask them in the member forums.

JOIN NOW- If you’ve learned anything at all about us in the last couple years - we’re not your Grandfather’s clubmaking/fitting organization. Join us, you won’t be disappointed!